

The address is:
Tveta 30
SE 731 96 Köping

You will find Tveta Strand in between two small rural locations. In the west is Medåker and in the east Himmeta. The distance is 5 km to both locations.

In Medåker you can play football. Here you also find a lighted track where you can go crosscountry skiing in the winter and run in the summer. If you like to go biking there is a new MTB track available. You will also find a community center, a folk museum and much more. In July a cafe opens up. It is runned by local non-profit organizations. You will find it close by the library and church.

Himmeta does also offer a football field, crosscountry skiing, and many other facilities. If you are lucky you may even experience how to produce carbon the old fashion way.

Köping and Arboga are the two close by cities. The distance from Tveta Strand is 12 km. In the cities you will find shopping, indoor and outdoor swimming, golfcources, downhill skiing, riding school and more.

